Industrial Design & Conceptual Product Development

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PHASE 1: IDEATION Sketch to Final Illustration

Ratio works with new inventors and established product brands to innovate new product concepts. Through consumer insight research, conceptual sketching and client collaboration, we narrow the options to consider. This allows the team to move toward a proof of concept in the next phase as quickly as possible. Clients who may already be working on their own product development we can provide a starting point and strategically collaborate with you to bring the product into a design process. At the completion of this phase,



Mechanical Design & CAD Engineering

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PHASE 2: CAD Engineering components & Assemblies

Ratio will use a well conceived product illustration to create the geometry for mechanical components. We consider the most simplified part we can produce. This simplicity is based on known production capabilities in order to prototype or to manufacture the parts affordably.

At Ratio Product Lab, we understand mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis and electricity. These core principles, along with tools like computer-aided design and product lifecycle management, are used to design and analyze a variety of products. This can include transport systems, watercraft, robotics, medical devices, heating and cooling equipment, food service equipment and more.

Our designers and engineers use the latest computer-aided design (CAD) technology, such as Solid Works and Fusion 360. A physical prototype may be created when the mechanical design process finalizes in Phase 2. If there are unforeseen issues or changes to be made to the first prototype, the product design can be resolved in CAD to ensure problems are eliminated before manufacturing.



Product Prototyping

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Phase 3: Prototype & Proof of concept Models

Ratio will bring a number of products to market every year and no matter the product category, one consistent in finalizing the design is prototyping. At this stage, we learn more about assembly, component fit and what is conceived in a solid CAD model. Does it perform as expected? What can we improve to make it better before production? We use a variety of technologies produce prototypes. We have 3D printers in our design studio and will machine or cast components as each project is unique.



Manufacturing Guidance & Production Administration

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PHASE 4: production PLANNING - Design for MaNufacture support

Ratio has trusted resources for production manufacturing. We rely on these production alliances to lend expertise to deliver quality products to our clients. Ratio produces only 3D prints in house until such a time when we are able to hand off the project and manage resources for component and electronics production and testing certification.

We may provide estimates for production tooling of your product in low volumes to get you started and ready for market launch.